The Jury of the 2019-2020 BMP Grant had the task of judging the eleven projects submitted. This task was made difficult by the overall high quality of the proposals, which all focused on the interests of patients.

According to the jury’s view, three projects promised the most benefits for individual patients and were, in the view of our experienced jury members, the most patient-driven, patient-centred and scientifically robust projects.

The eleven projects from eight European countries were shown at the BMP Grant Ceremony, on the 24th of June, 2020, which took place in a digital format. 

Gudula Petersen (Grünenthal), Joke Jaarma (EFNA) and Joop van Griensven (PAE) each announced one of the winners. 


The grant will be divided into three equal parts among these three winners of the BMP Grant 2019-2020:

ASpida: Against Stigma pain intervention development approach

Project submitted by Vasilis Vasiliou, from the School of Applied Psychology, University College Cork


Project submitted by Yiannis Koumpouros, from the University of West Attica

#RompeConElDolor – Breaking stigma on chronic pain in diabetes and other diseases through shared experiences on social media

Project submitted by Irune Elosegui, Federación Española de Diabetes (FEDE)


Stay tuned because more info will follow in the coming days!

1 thought on “Who won the second edition of the BMP Grant?”

  1. Pingback: Watch the wrap-up video of the BMP Grant 2020 Ceremony! – BMP GRANT

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